

Fr. Loomis' Installation Mass Sunday, December 8th at St. Felix


Mass Times

Sunday Mass
Saturday 4:30 pm St. Felix, Wabasha
Sunday 8:00 am St. Agnes, Kellogg
Sunday 9:30 am St. Felix, Wabasha

Daily Mass
Tuesday 8:00 am St. Felix, Wabasha
Wednesday 8:00 am St. Agnes, Kellogg
Thursday 8:30 am St. Felix, Wabasha
Friday 8:00 am St. Felix, Wabasha


Saturday      3:45pm     St. Felix
Sunday        7:30am     St. Agnes

For Reconcilation at other times, please contact Fr. Loomis directly.

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm


Recording of the Sunday Homily

Becoming a member

Are you interested in joining St. Felix or St. Agnes as a parishoner? Please click on the link below to print and complete a census form. Please return the form to the parish office.

St. Felix Census Form

St. Agnes Census Form

Catholic Charities

Diocese of Winona-Rochester


Word on Fire

Google Map

Social Media

A Facebook account is not required to view our Facebook page.

Click below to order Scrip and support St. Felix School.

St. Felix Parish and School Facility Update Meeting

SAVE THE DATES: MARCH 29 (5:30 pm SATURDAY) or MARCH 30 (10:30 AM SUNDAY) for St Felix Parish and School Facility Update

All St Felix Parish and School families are invited to attend one of the meetings to learn about a campus Master Plan to upgrade critical areas in the church, school, and gym. A review of the extensive work underway (Phase I) will be given. Plans to address critical building and equipment needs for the future will be presented with new drawings. These investments are critical to the future of St Felix faith community.

This update builds on the earlier meetings with the School Advisory Committee in October, 2023, the parish wide presentations in January and May of 2024 and our pastor Father Tom. This draft and revised phasing are based on the  missions of the parish and school and identify the major capital investment priorities, Timing is dependent on funding.

Phase II includes the church interior repairs, school bathrooms and gym’s heating, cooling, and ventilation.  Phase III would be a parish gathering space connected to the church.

Why should you attend?

  • To learn about the plans to address major space and end-of-life equipment needs that support the parish’s pastoral efforts, the students’ and staffs’ health and safety;
  • To comment and ask questions;
  • To shape the school and parish’s future.

Where are the sessions?

  • St Felix Gym. The parish will provide refreshments and food.

When are the meetings?

  • Saturday March 29 at 5:30 PM, after the 4:30 PM Mass
  • Sunday March 30 at 10:30 AM, after the 9:30 AM Mass

Who will be presenting and answering questions?

  • Father Tom, Deacon John
  • Larry Stenzel, Dan Schaefer, and Eric Sonnek

The Rosary In A Year

Want to learn more about the Rosary?

“I know I should love the Rosary, but I am struggling.” Is this you? Do you ever feel disconnected, confused, or stuck praying the Rosary? Or have you been praying the Rosary every day and wondering if this is as good as it gets?

In Ascension’s Rosary in a Year podcast, Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, guides listeners in a step-by-step journey that will change the way you pray – no matter where you are in your spiritual life.

This podcast can be found on the Ascension App, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. It is also available on YouTube with words. If have questions about it you can contact Nancy Hust ( 651 764-1218). A  number of parishioners have started the podcast on January 1st.

Charles I. Passe Endowment Fund

Announcing 2025–2026 Scholarship Program

Charles I. Passe Endowment Fund

 The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota has established a process for awarding endowment funds. This 2025-2026 academic year, up to $47,700 is available for qualified students.

Funds from the Charles I. Passe Endowment Scholarship will be awarded in the following order:

  1. Felix parishioners enrolled in a diploma and/or certificate program at a trade/technical school
  2. Felix parishioners enrolled in an Associate’s degree program at a trade/technical school
  3. Cluster parishioners enrolled in a diploma and/or certificate program at a trade/technical school
  4. Cluster parishioners enrolled in an Associate’s degree program at a trade/technical school

In the rare event that funds remain after all applications in those categories have been processed, the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota will consider other scholarship applications (i.e., Bachelor’s degree programs). All awards are made by the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota.

Applications will be available starting on February 28, 2025, at the St. Felix, St. Agnes, and Immaculate Conception parish offices and websites, the Wabasha-Kellogg and Plainview-Elgin-Millville High School counselor’s offices, and on the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota website at www.catholicfsmn.org/granting

All applications must be returned to:

Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

PO Box 30098

Winona, MN 55987

Applications must be received by 4:30pm on Friday, May 16, 2025. Notification of awards will be made no later than July 1, 2025.

Please email Kelly Hoffman at khoffman@dowr.org or call 507-858-1276 with any questions.

Clicke HERE to download the parish letter.

Click HERE to download the application.

2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal

This year's goals are as follows:
St. Felix-$30,553.00
St. Agnes-$8,134.00
Click on the link below for a short message from Bishop Robert Barron.

Bishops Decree

Read the latest decrees from Bishop Quinn regarding the reinstatement of Sunday Mass obligation.


Decree from Bishop Quinn


Welcome Back to Mass


Bishop Andrew Cozzens, as Vicar of Catholic Education for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, has an urgent request that he has asked us to share with every priest, parish, and school. You can watch his short video message here.

Right now legislators and Governor Walz have multiple proposals in front of them that can make real educational choices more accessible to parents and their children. Students, who urgently need access to schools that meet their unique educational needs, ask you and all people of good will to speak out now!

As a Catholic, your leadership on this issue is needed so that more people will take action.

Here are four things you can do to make an immediate impact:

  1. Send a message to your State Representative, Senator, and Governor Walz
  2. Encourage parents at your Catholic school to contact lawmakers
    • You can send this long or short version letter to parents 
  3. Encourage your parishioners to speak out 
  4. Share the action alert on your parish Facebook and Twitter

Find further resources here.


Thank you for taking the time to help bring better access to real educational opportunities to Minnesota kids.